As Law is a fascinating study & its practice an absorbing occupation, R.A.S. LAW COLLEGE aims to teach the new emerging areas in law as Intellectual property, Cyber Crime, Commerci'll Arbitration, Immigration Law and Family Laws by redefining the boundaries of legal education.

The expanded horizon of business and technologies have brought radical changes in providing the legal services to corporates World-Wide. The development in the business, legal fields, changed concepts, call for professionals with a blend of legal background. In this context R.A.S. LAW COLLEGE at present offers a three year full time LL.B. programme.

The main aim of the college is to make legal education a serious branch of study with the help of state-of art theory, tutorials by renewed faculties of this field, seminars, moot courts and practical training.

Due to changing laws India needs good Lawyers, Judges who have a modern approach to the related matters. Hence our main aim is to help students who desire to take law as a serious branch of knowledge not only in their career interest but for the development and betterment of our country.